The rewarding way to pay. The card is free, simple to use and secure! It's a payment card you can use inside or at the pump to instantly roll back the price of fuel. You can also use your card to make in-store purchases!
Signup for Swipe & Save RewardsNow every purchase you make at our store will earn you points that can be traded in for great rewards like food, beverages, services and much more. Just swipe your card and points will automatically be added to your account. It's that easy! Rewards members are also eligible to save money on daily, weekly or monthly specials throughout the store.
Signup for Get Fueled RewardsVisit any C-Express Convenience store and request a card inside the store from one of our associates.
Visit our Swipe & Save enrollment page to get started. Here you will link your checking account to your card. Next select a secure PIN to enter at the pump when you insert your card to pay - just as you do today with a bank debit card.
Complete the enrollment and submit for authorization. We do a 2-step verification to make sure that only you will be authorized to get a card in your name.
Once the verification is complete, you will receive an email directing you to active your card online. You can now start using you C-Express Preferred Payment Card to recieve your fuel discount each time you make a purchase.
This is a payment card; it is not a credit card. Enrolling does not impact your credit score.
Customer service people are standing by to answer any questions you might have. Just call 877-403-2222
Pay inside or insert you card at the pump and enter you user ID/PIN.
The price will roll-back instantly at the pump - you save on each gallon you buy. The price you pay will be the discounted price. It's that simple!
Each time you make a purchase you will receive an email detailing the transaction. It is a great way for you to track your purchases.
Your bank statement will also reflect each transaction you paid for using your C-Express Preferred Payment Card. You can also use your card to make in-store purchases!
You user ID/PIN is required to be entered on each purchase. The card can only be used at C-Express Convenience Store locations. Enrollment is performed on a secured website; information is protected in a secure data center.
You account information will not be disclosed to any outside party. We have contracted with the National Payment Card Association® to process transactions. They operate under the rules and regulations of the Federal Reserve's Automated Clearing House.
Both cards offer great savings at C-Express locations!
With our Black Loyalty Debit Gas Card you save on every fuel purchase at any C-Express location. Currently, you can save 15¢ per gallon!
With our Get Fueled Rewards Platinum Card you earn cash rewards on all purchases made at C-Express.